Thursday, November 12, 2009

Free Write - "Run Lola Run"

Free Write - Run Lola Run film Review

Run Lola Run is an excellent title for this film - the plot is just that, but with a twist. The movie goer is set up first with a young german girl clearly not doing all that well today. She speaks with her boyfriend on the phone, the viewer learns he is in some type of illegal trouble with money, and Manni (Lola’s boyfriend) will be killed at 12:00 if he doesn’t manage to give a man 100 grand. After the urgent call the film begins to revel it’s true colors.

Happenstance controls the body of which this movie - well runs. Lola’s effort to find 100 grand is changed ever so slightly ever moment by the people she encounters, the ideas that come to her, and the movement of the world. Snapshots are given to the viewers to better receive the ‘happenstance‘ message early on through foreshadowing into other’s lives. It takes three different daily courses of action to final see Manni - both to be debut free, and alive. 

The film captivates the imagination. It leaves the viewer in awe with a sense that you begin to see the larger picture as the movie continues. Lola runs from here to there. All over town - to her father - a supermarket - a casino. Changing her day - as hers does we begin to ponder upon ours. 

Monday, October 26, 2009

10 Beautiful Thing - Free Write

Free Write - 10 Beautiful Things

1. The last day of school - no matter what age. Proudly striding out - finding my brother as the sun dances across about a zillion faces. We give each other that wide eye ‘rock’n dude’n cool look , and carelessly through our backpack in the back set of whatever car. May it have been my mom’s mini-van, the sloppy public bus seats, or my cabin seats you have to climb to reach.

  1. When the both of us get on board with a story. One or the other will start by saying - Oh my God! I can’t believe I didn’t tell you! We get it. It’s time to start the listening - the ‘piss yourself silly’ is promised to come. Forever a quotable story, that will be referenced.
  2. Forrest Gump, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Roman Holiday. You could tell me that all three were in Mussolini’s Top Five - I wouldn’t bat an eye. I cry during all three - wonderful - ‘why can’t reality be like so’ cry’s. I can tell you when the aqueducts will break each time. Here it comes.
  3. Hot Sand - when your on the beach laying in the sun. It’s what warm water in the winter is to summer. Gives you that great sensation of having to tinkle. 
  4. Dreaming - the act in which your heart makes a wish. Whether you’re sound asleep - or your mind decides to run bit. If I couldn’t dream - if anyone couldn’t dream - you would do such limited things in life.
  5. Elberta, Michigan - the stretch of beach here is unlike any other along Lake Michigan. Purest sands, clearest waters, highest winds, and deepest night skies. You lay there for an hour or so, and you never want to leave.
  6. Running.  What to some might be hell - yeah it is - but in the right moment unbeatable. The rush that the worlds troubles will dissolve away every time you take another leaping stride in those back lot hills.
  7. The way he would smile - while we nodded - off to “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” I knew I was bathing in a tub of wrong, but I wasn’t going to hop out until he made me.
  8. Mothers. They make boys into men - and let daughters cry on their shoulders when those men don’t meet expectations. They are the kindest, selfless beings in the world. They make the world. Your mother is your biggest fan - toughest lady you’ll ever meet.
  9. Privacy. When it’s dead for all the right reasons. When you get the moment you have wanted forever, but have been to busy to realize. When you roll the car to a stop, lower the windows, and yell. You yell crazy noses at nothing - some building which can’t hear, but it feels like a dream. You have made the right choice. It’s private moments that let you know you’re still alive.    

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Free Write  - Song

Climatic sorrowful beginning brought back to earth by a soft hum of strings. Building back up with increased strings. The song takes you down a hallway of a broken soul. I can see a movie scene with a young man crying upright on his bed - maybe a period piece. His hopes and dreams look to never become complete, but then the instrumental builds - he has a solution! The solution to solve all his troubles, but at what cost to his existing life? He day dreams out his bedroom window. Slowly and blurred - so silent.  

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Free Write - "Tonight I Can Write."

The repetition made the poem what it was. No definite structure. Example of it's uncommon structure, 
"I no longer love her, that's certain, but maybe I love her. Love is so short, forgetting is so long."
This period within the poem brought it home for the reader, or listener. Mostly anyone who made the mistake of letting one go, and thinking about it days, months, hours, and minutes into the future. The writer speaks his mind. Even the poem title speaks his mind. He writes what is hurting his arm, his arm writes it down on paper. Sometimes you write the most wonderous things when you fell like so. 
I see it being in a movie, the faint back noise - same man's voice - as someone heads out to a normal world - where no one know this. Just reality - no lose - business.    

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dialog for Echo and Damian

“So let me get this straight”, Echo could hardly look at Damian, she played with bracelet on her arm instead, “Your not interested in dating, but you want to keep seeing me?” Damian placed his hands firmly back into his trench coat. The red hand disappeared, the cars came to a stop, and the bright white walker blinked. 

“Yeah. It’s...well”, Damian paused as they crossed to from Hampton to Grate Walk. “...that doesn’t sound exactly right.” The managed to turn a cheek towards Echo. She was almost reassured her world was at peace when he flashed that faded smile. She almost let a smile release, but held back, and became cold once again.

“But that’s...uh what you mean, right?” Spoke Echo with so much force Damian looked taken back.

“Sorta,” he had nothing he could use to explain what would come next. He began to grind his teeth, like he did at night. His grinding got worse - especially worse from the point on after he and Echo went up to Green Valley.

“I’m confused. Like, really? Are you seeing someone else?” , Echo didn’t need to hear the answer - she already knew. Kara with frumpy undies. Mrs. Damian Kara Elizabeth Hall. 

“Not exactly.” Damian said as he took a step back to fall into step with her.

“Not exactly. Okay, so uhm just a minute.” Echo looked up for the first time, She had never felt this way in her life. What was this? A tear fell.

Free Write on Concord Grapes

Round, like balloons gathered closely together on a dying neon green steam. All three are opaque - the darkest indigo diluted and smudged. The outer of the object is not hard, it has bounce. The color leeks on the paper under them. When eaten it is unlike other kinds. They are sweeter, taste is everywhere, and I hope to find these at the supper market my next visit. The only fault to these wondrous things could be the pit. To spit a hundred of them out - oh that is troubling for travel.